Morph -∅ ‘IPFV’

Language: Yawarana


Morpheme: -ri
Inflectional values:
Type: suffix

Name Description Part of speech Language Audio
Name Description Language
As ‘IPFV’:
  1. That’s what they say (?) / !Según dicen. (convrisamaj: 43)
  2. “Sakunkai”, they said, and then “Sakunkai”. / decían "sakunkai" y después "sakúnkai" (ctorat: 11)
  3. I want to hear it. / lo quiere escuchar (convrisamaj: 15)
  4. They laugh every day. / se rien cada dia (convrisamaj: 42)
  5. What you are talking about. / ese que tu estás diciendo
  6. I will beat you to death. / te voy a matar a golpes
  7. ta-ta-ta, like that he rubbed us as if he was angry with us. / ta-ta-ta, así nos sobaba como si estuviera bravo de nosotros
  8. You're going to go like this? Don't go like this. / así tu te vas a ir, no puedes ir así