Speaker IrDi


  1. He saw it. / lo vio
  1. They didn't tell. / no contaron
  1. I will beat you to death. / te voy a matar a golpes
  1. His knee, his leg went out towards Ayacucho. / su rodilla, su pierna, salió (llaga) hacia Ayacucho
  1. ta-ta-ta, like that he rubbed us as if he was angry with us. / ta-ta-ta, así nos sobaba como si estuviera bravo de nosotros
  1. their path / el camino de ellos
  1. Here you can see the village where they lived, what the Criollos call Cerro Muñeca. / ahí se ve el sitio donde vivian, donde los criollos llama Cerro Muñeca
  1. You have not seen a fish that is put on to dry. / usted no ha visto un pescado que se pone, para que se seque
  1. You're going to go like this? Don't go like this. / así tu te vas a ir, no puedes ir así
  1. We will be finished, daughter. / nosotros nos vamos a acabar, hija